We have a specialized team for picking the right keywords for your website. We perform keyword analysis and list out the best possible keywords with low competition and that have a better conversion rate. We follow various methods to select keywords. We will pick keywords basing on the below:
1. Services/products you offer
2. Geographic location specific
3. Competition
4. Search volume
5. Good Conversion
What are Keywords: Keywords are the words and phrases that Internet user’s type into the search box of a search engine, such as Google, to find what websites that match the Keywords. Keywords are like identification tags that tell searchers what the web page is about. So it is very important to use the most relevant keywords while writing the content that best describes your web page.
Ex: Keyword: “Plumbing Services in NewYork”
It’s very important to have information about Plumbing services on your website and also show that you serve in NewYork.
Avoid Generic & One word Keywords: To pick the right keyword, it is essential to pick not just a word but good and relevant phrases. Using just single words will form rather poor keywords. Speenz experts like us rarely employ the strategy of picking just one word.
Example: Your website sells Floor Cleaning liquids
Generic Keywords: Flooring, Cleaning, Liquids
Flooring is a wide term. Here all the flooring business comes into competition, Flooring retailers, Flooring Specialists, Flooring repair, Carpeting Flooring, Tile flooring etc
Recommended Keywords: “Floor Cleaning liquids” “Cleaning liquids for Flooring”, “Carpet cleaning liquids”, “Flooring stain removers “etc
Two and Three Phrase keywords: It is also essential to avoid ‘vanity’ keywords. Sometimes a single keyword may describe your business the best, but it is highly improbable that your webpage will rank amongst the top searches for this keyword, unless you are a huge and authoritative site. Use long-tail keywords that are more specific and longer and which visitor’s are more likely to use when they are closer to the point-of-purchase. As explained in the above example
Repetition: Sometimes one might wonder if it is okay to repeat certain keywords. Repetition is not a problem as long as the meaning of the phrase as a whole is sufficiently different from the others. Keyword phrases that are indicative of somewhat different content are okay to use at the same time. Most search engines except 3-7 % keywords density on a webpage. So it is recommended to have more content to have more keywords.
Location Specific Keywords: Local keywords help small & medium businesses to coordinate their SEO efforts. To rank well locally, we should add geo-location cues to the keywords. For example, “buy men’s shoes” can also be “buy men’s shoes in Nevada,” or the phrase could be narrowed down to the name of a city or even a street. By choosing the location specific keywords, your business has all the chances to establish itself on the local field.
Example: Your business is selling used cars in San Francisco.
Your website should rank top in San Francisco area, there is no need to rank for entire California or in other states.
Recommended keywords: “used cars in San Francisco”
More Locations: More Time: More Difficulty
Keywords Competition and Search Volumes: We will perform a comprehensive keyword analysis and note the best keywords. These keywords will have low competition and also a better conversion rate. We follow multiple methods to choose the best keywords for you. We will pick the keywords based on the customer business services.
If the business mainly deals with motor transport, we Google Motor transport, Motor Cycle (Business services) with different phrases and Google will provide us with the recommend searches on the bottom of the page in the section, “Searches related to motor transport”.
We at Speenz follow the same procedure on all search engines and create a list with all possible keywords. Generic keywords are avoided. Among the others we will pick the best keywords by checking the competition and traffic by using tools like Google Keyword planner. In this way, we can provide you with the best keywords for your business.
Conclusion: The keywords must at all times be representative of the content that is on the webpage. It is absolutely essential that the keywords guide the overall content strategy. There are also many tools that you could use such as Google Adwords that will make your job much easier. Or you could just rely on SEO experts to do the best job for you. Speenz SEO experts have the right knowledge and the experience to make sure that the selected keywords give you the best possible outcomes.